Why are Business Reports important?
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Why are Business Reports important?
At Performance Business Sales, we believe a well written business report which shows the financial and operational detail of a business, will achieve a quicker sale. The Business Confidence Report, is compiled from information provided from a comprehensive questionnaire completed by the vendor. Once returned to our office, a professional copy writer ensures the relevant information is researched and included in the report so that the prospective buyer is well informed in order to make the right decision. A comprehensive and honest business report helps the process of finding a suitable qualified buyer and importantly for the owner, a faster sale.
Why a Business Report?
From the information provided by the seller, we will arrange the preparation of a full-colour Business Report which will highlight your business’s features and benefits to the buyer. Our business reports are often 60 to 70 pages or more, of detailed information outlining the operational and financial aspects of the business.
The business information is held in the strictness of confidence, where all prospective buyers are required to sign a legal deed of non-disclosure (a Confidentiality Agreement) before any identifying information is provided.
The provision of this report minimises any disruption to the business during the selling process. Included is a clear statement and analysis of the taxation accounts to demonstrate to the buyer the actual adjusted before-tax net profit. The report also serves to educate qualified buyers about the business before they are introduced to the seller saving both parties time.
More importantly, the report is designed to provide a framework for communications between the buyer, the buyers accountant and financial adviser in regard to the business. Transparency is imperative and we work with all parties to ensure all details are correct and up to date.
Don’t Buy or Sell a Business without one!
At Performance Business Sales, we focus our attention on established businesses that offer significant benefits for prospective buyers, allowing us to match the right seller with the right buyer, resulting in optimum outcomes for both parties. A Business Confidence Report will give you the buyer complete confidence in knowing you are purchasing a premium business.
If you are interested in investing in a new business venture or are considering putting your business on the market, contact us today for a confidential discussion.