Home > Buy a Business > Wholesale > A BUSINESS OPERATED REMOTELY

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$213,000 pa

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Eastern Goldfields

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Pat Keenan-Smith



Key Features

  • Operates under full management
  • Minimal hours
  • Diverse range of products
  • Essential products
  • Low risk
  • Solid history
  • Self propelled sales


BUSINESS OPERATES UNDER FULL MANAGEMENT – work about 10 hours per week and earn $400 ph.



IT’S WELL POSITIONED IN THE MARKET and is the market leader in its location when it comes to its market. As the wholesale distributor for an international brand - which is the biggest and most recognised brand in the market, it also has a reputation for friendly high-level service and expert advice. With a solid base of regular customers and repeat business built up mainly by word of mouth over many years, it is widely regarded as the go-to place for its products.

IT’S 70% TRADE BASED - The business has a wholesale and retail market which supplies into Manufacturing – Automotive – Industrial and Consumer markets. Such a great mix should one falter the others take up the slack something not often seen in a business.

LONG ESTABLISHED - The business has been servicing its market for some 20 years with very little sales or marketing effort turnover has continued to grow year on year, purely through reputation and word of mouth.

ITS PRODUCTS ARE ESSENTIAL - Paints and coatings are extensively used for buildings and machinery. It not only impacts the protection of the structure, machinery or vehicle interior or exterior appearance but also influences the equipment’s structure and longevity. Paints and coatings are special protective applications that prevents corrosion and damage from weakening materials and are an absolute must-have. The growing Western Australian population will require this business's products, as coatings and associated products is an essential product for both domestic and commercial/industrial purposes.

POSITIVE TRENDS - The global paints & coatings market size was estimated at 43.40 million tons in 2016 and is expected to grow significantly over the next 5 years owing to its growing utilization in various end-use industries such as building, automotive, marine, mining construction and industrial markets. The business is well positioned to take advantage of this, having survived the downturn in excellent shape.

PROFITS CAN BE PROVEN - The business has a complete set of verified accounts which clearly show its profitability.

HIGH ASSET MIX IN PURCHASE PRICE - The business reflects a high percentage of the purchase price is made up of tangible stock and equipment. Compared to low asset businesses.

EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER AND GROWING CLIENT BASE- The Growing list of customers currently numbers approximately 120 with no one customer representing more than approximately 5% of the annual sales. This is a key feature not often found in businesses of this caliber


IT’S UNDER FULL MANAGEMENT WITH LOW STAFF - The business employs 2 full-time staff. Both are cross-trained in each other’s work, and one of them is the manager who looks after the daily operations. They run the day to day operation of the business without supervision. The current owner lives a long way away from the business and only relieves staff on occasions it is possible to also employ a casual employee to fill that role should the owner wish to do nothing. This arrangement allows the owner to work low hours and take holidays.

NO RELIANCE ON SALES STAFF - The clear majority of sales are simply self-propelled which means that the current owner does not have the overhead of running a sales force. However, it also puts the new owner in the enviable position of having at hand a means by which demand could almost certainly be increased if need be.


Not effected by competitors -The business has never had any problem in handling competition. Its main competitors are big box stores which have been present for a prolonged period of time. They are not able to wholesale products and don’t carry a specialized range of products like this business which gives it an edge with its trade-based clientele.

Barriers to market entry - Aside from the significant capital requirements to establish a business such as this, a newcomer to the market hoping to compete with this business would face the following issue:

Competing with a well-branded dealer.

Obtaining and fitting out top-class premises

The lengthy period required to build up goodwill and on-going repeat business

The time to build trust with major commercial/industrial customers.

MINOR OVERHEADS - Given the size of the annual turnover, overheads are relatively small.

FAST PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS - A large portion of debtors are collected on a COD basis - approximately 45% with the balance on 30-day terms.

EXCELLENT CASH FLOW – A substantial portion of debtors are collected on a COD basis approximately 55% with the balance on 30-day terms.

HIGH GROSS PROFIT MARGIN - Self-propelled sales and a high gross profit margin of over 55% is indicative of a business which is both solid and in a strong growth phase.

LOW RISK - The business enjoys automatic growth across a range of market segments, has an excellent long-established reputation as the leading one-stop-shop business, and its relationship with a major brand means it can meet the prices of any competitors and still make healthy profit margins.


ITS GOT HISTORY- Established over 22 years with consistent growth of 20% over the past 3 years. So essential are the products it is a given that it will continue to grow.

ITS GOT GREAT UNDER MANAGEMENT PROFIT- The business has management in place and a total workforce of just TWO. Returning $220,204 profit to the purchaser or a 35% return on investment.



Operates under FULL management

Has Minimal hours

Has Reliable cash flow.

Has Interesting and diverse ranges of products.

Has self-propelled sales

Has Essential products.

Has a Solid history



Quality businesses such as this never last long on the market so CONTACT US today to receive a detailed business profile – the first step to your securing this exciting opportunity. Read our full report to see that you are buying future profitability ready to grow from day one. To make an informed decision please contact either Ian Lee or Pat Keenan-Smith

Unlike other brokers who provide a couple of pages of basic information, the high detailed report on this business will evaluate, products, markets, facilities, sales potential, competition, financial analysis and much more. This usually runs over 50 pages, analysing everything you need to know to make a quick but informed decision that will save you time, money, frustration and risk.

In dealing with Performance Business Sales you will find our carefully selected businesses listings are of a higher quality and therefore reflect lower risk than most businesses offered by our competitors. It will truly be worth your while to confirm your interest in this outstanding business to avoid disappointment.

Important: Recent analysis of our business sales reflected over 75% of businesses sold were to buyers who registered interest against the business before the report was finalised, which eliminated the need to advertise the business for sale in the media.

Key Features

  • Operates under full management
  • Minimal hours
  • Diverse range of products
  • Essential products
  • Low risk
  • Solid history
  • Self propelled sales

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Use these figures only as a guide.
Please contact your own financial institution for more detailed information.
Principle & Interest Interest Only
$1234.00 pcm $1234.00 pcm
$1234.00 pa $1234.00 pa
$1234.00 $1234.00